The king of the Taiwanese specialty food is 潤餠.
It likely is NOT the Lumpia you know.

The number of Taiwanese specialty foods is astounding; their varieties are mind boggling.

Taiwanese may be pleased to know that their traditional all-time-favorite 炒米粉 (Fried rice noodles) is a staple of the ubiquitous Chinese-operated buffet restaurants that dot city blocks in Buenos Aires.  Having dined in many such buffet places in San Telmo, Recoleta, and Microcentro, I can say that they taste good, but not as good as traditional Taiwanese 炒米粉, which is moist, and full of goodies and flavors.

As much as I love 炒米粉, the king of the Taiwanese specialty food is 潤餠, in my mind.  I hesitate equating 潤餠 to lumpia because Taiwanese 潤餠 is very different from what is commonly known as lumpia.  
  1.   潤餠 is itself one whole meal.  Lumpia is typically an appetizer.
  2.   In Taiwan, 潤餠 is never deep fried.  In Philippine and US, lumpia is almost always.  A web site Guam pedia calls lumpia Filipino egg roll.
  3.   潤餠 is healthy, balanced, and nutritious. 
  4.   Tastes wonderful.
  5.   Can be enjoyed by a family, or a gathering of friends, as the main food, or simply the only food,  and when done so, is a happy event for all.
  6.  That makes Taiwan 潤餠 a perfect food!
I wrote the following in a biography of my late father-in-law in the 90's in which I described how my ex-wife's family celebrated 潤餠:
做潤餅在黃家就像辦喜事. 二媳婦秀英趕早到市場去張羅材料, 像餅皮, 土豆粉, 蔥, 蒜, 蒜頭, 蝦子, 豬肉, 芹菜, 皇帝豆, 香腸. 大家忙著切菜, 切肉, 煮蝦, 剝蝦殼, 兼也聊天, 交換情報. 近午, 餐廳的圓桌上擺滿著香噴噴的菜料. 黃家大小老少圍著圓桌, 喜氣洋洋地包著, 吃著, 談著, 包著, 吃著, 談著. 陶醉在這快樂的氣氛裹, 我都會想起林太乙替他爸爸林語堂寫的傳記裏 這樣講潤餅: [天下實在沒有什麼比薄餅 (即潤餅) 好吃的了. 廈門人深信這個事實 ] (1992年 聯經版. 150 頁).


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